Serkan Zenger1, Çağrı Bilgiç1, Dursun Buğra1,2

1Clinic of General Surgery, VKV American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
2Department of General Surgery, Koç University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey


Appendiceal intussusception (AI) is a difficult disease to diagnose. Various features of the disease were analyzed in a 35-year-old female patient admitted with abdominal pain and diagnosed with AI. The diagnosis was made with colonoscopy and abdominal computed tomography. Laparoscopic partial cecum resection was performed. Pathology examination revealed foci of endometriosis externa, which infiltrated the muscular layer of the appendix. AI should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of recurrent abdominal pain. Colonoscopy is an indispensable examination for differential diagnosis. Laparoscopic partial cecum resection, preserving the ileocecal valve, is an appropriate treatment approach in irreducible cases that are not suspected to be malignant.

Keywords: Appendix, intussusception, laparoscopy

Cite this article as: Zenger S, Bilgiç Ç, Buğra D. Laparoscopic partial cecum resection in appendix intussusception. Turk J Surg 2019; 35 (1): 74-77


Peer Review

Externally peer-reviewed.

Author Contributions

Concept - S.Z., Ç.B., D.B.; Design - S.Z., Ç.B.; Supervision - D.B.; Resource - S.Z., Ç.B., D.B.; Materials - S.Z., Ç.B., D.B.; Data Collection and/or Processing - S.Z., Ç.B., D.B.; Analysis and/or Interpretation - S.Z., Ç.B., D.B.; Literature Search - S.Z., Ç.B., D.B.; Writing Manuscript - S.Z., Ç.B., D.B.; Critical Reviews - D.B.

Conflict of Interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare

Financial Disclosure

The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.